Last Friday I met with our LinkedIn online ads strategist and she had some really interesting information to share. I wanted to take a second to pass some of the randomness along.

1. Given we deal a lot with audiences that identify with the “IT Function,” understanding how active that demographic is on LinkedIn is important for our firm and clients. And, as you can see below, they’re smoking hot.

Courtesy of LinkedIn

Courtesy of LinkedIn


2. According to LinkedIn, 140 character posts seem to perform the best (looks like that Twitter preconditioning worked, ha). Keep your content snackable and educational. And of course, use captivating and relevant images (like the one below).

Courtesy of Platinum

Courtesy of Platinum

3. LinkedIn recommends stretching out promoted content campaigns over longer periods. So instead of spending your entire $1,000 budget in two days for example, spread it out over 20 days with a max daily spend of $50. Apparently you’ll see higher engagement. Perhaps A/B test this model if you have some larger budgets.


4. The median CTR for promoted content is .40%, and engagement is .45%. This is a good guide and goal to shoot for. Keep in mind this is for all of LinkedIn (niche markets could vary significantly).


ctr eng


5. LinkedIn is BIG… and growing (in case you live under a rock).
