It’s debate season, and as Republicans and Democrats jockey for favorable poll position, it’s almost inevitable that several candidates will make a serious faux pas to damage their public image.

Voxus client the Online Trust Alliance (OTA) in Bellevue, WA recently uncovered a major PR flub committed by many of the most prominent candidates and their respective campaign teams.

According to OTA’s Presidential Candidate Online Trust Audit report, 74 percent of evaluated presidential campaign websites were assessed a failing score due to inadequate disclosure of privacy policies or user-unfriendly practices such as the sharing and selling of visitor data. At a time when corporate and governmental cybersecurity is of paramount concern (and a daily news item), neglecting to follow recommended online privacy guidelines is at the very least a head-scratching oversight.

Voxus’ PR campaign around this report helped OTA score ample coverage from such top-tier outlets as the Wall Street Journal, NBC News and CNN. To read the report and learn more about this Presidential PR slipup, click here.