Communication pros in the tech industry face a unique challenge: how to generate interest and buzz in technologies that may be years away from true productization and commercial readiness. More importantly, how do we sustain that interest—and even build on it—over such a prolonged period? It’s not easy. But, when done right, companies can turn one big milestone (the final release/general availability) into a series of media moments. This is the long game— and my advice on how brands can win it.

Brands can sustain momentum leading into a big launch by creating a series of smaller “tentpole” moments that keep audiences engaged and reinforce desired messaging. There are many ways to do this, but product milestones, customer validation and thought leadership are among the best, creating a steady drumbeat of news and buzz.

Product Milestones

Start by examining the product development lifecycle and identifying the most meaningful milestones. Ideation, design, prototyping and testing are all significant phases that can be used to promote progress toward final availability or a bigger launch in the future. 

During product testing, a company may run industry-standard or self-imposed benchmark tests. Share these moments to show progress toward the big announcement. Certifications provide a similar opportunity if the product needs to pass tests to be certified by a governing body.

customer validation

There is no greater way to drive excitement around an upcoming product than showing customers clamoring for it. If a company is developing something new, the need for it in the market has likely been tested and researched. This data can be great fodder for news or storytelling:

  • Testing and User Input—Polling customers, partners or other stakeholders at any level of the development stage or receiving promising feedback in early testing can unveil findings to be packaged into a story or news announcement.
  • Using Data as a Story—A long lead time means a brand can utilize commissioned or third-party research to explain why the product’s differentiators actually matter to customers.
Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is an important element of any successful PR program. Most press will tell you that product news alone doesn’t interest them. However, a good thought leader who provides a provocative opinion on the industry or has an exciting backstory related to the company or product stands a far better chance of getting placed in target media outlets.

Thought leadership is most effective when it uses firsthand knowledge and expertise combined with a fresh point of view. Something not fully tangible in press releases, reports and other public-facing materials. It’s these interesting and informed opinions that get reporters and the public engaged in your company and your product, even if it doesn’t hit the marketplace for years to come.

A long-term product timeline can be a benefit, provided you use the time well. The ability to tease out product milestones, customer validation and thought leadership allows the company to take control of the narrative and frame the story around the product.

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