Whether B2C or B2B, product reviews can influence buyers’ purchasing decisions in a big way. In the security space, when buyers do not have the time or the resources to conduct due diligence on products, they look to trusted security and technology-focused publications for the latest tried and tested product reviews.

If you are a security technology provider, participating in product reviews not only strengthens your relationship with notable writers and publications, it’s also your time to highlight the inner workings and features of your security product that allow it to stand out to those decision makers.

At Voxus, we’ve helped numerous security companies land positive product reviews.
Listed below are a few tips to help you set up your product review strategy for success:


Finding the right security reviewers is an important first step. Some publications have a research department or “lab” that gives specific instructions on how to submit your product for review. Editorial calendars are also a great place to look for specific product reviews already planned for the year. And don’t forget to research who has reviewed your competitors. If the contact has just reviewed a product within your industry, it is still important to reach out so that your product is on his or her radar for the next round of reviews.

Paid, unpaid or both

Some freelance writers charge a fee to review your product, so plan ahead and decide whether budget is available for these types of reviews.

Have a plan in place

Before starting your outreach to potential reviewers, create a plan that answers important questions such as:

  • Who will be handling the outreach?
  • How much time will be allotted for this project?
  • What is the timeframe for this project (six months, one year)?
  • How many reviews does the company hope to secure?

Answering these questions first will help the team set specific goals and stay focused on the desired outcome.

The easier the better

Some reviewers prefer to set up the product themselves, however, most would rather receive the product in a state that does not require a large amount of set up time. Go the extra mile and provide easy-to-use examples that showcase how your product works. The easier it is for the reviewer to try out your product and its features, the more favorable the review.


Don’t rely on a general user’s guide for the review. Take that guide, shorten and personalize it for the reviewer and the specific topics and trends that he/she covers.

Designate a contact person

Choose a contact person that is very knowledgeable on the specific product and is willing to provide any type of support for the reviewer if he/she has any questions or needs assistance.

Offer a demo

Always give the reviewer the opportunity to connect with you so that you can walk him/her through the main features of the product. This also gives you the chance to point out certain benefits and unique aspects of your product that might not be noticeable at first glance.

Follow up

Don’t let your communication drop off after the initial product walk-through. Give the reviewer a week or so and then send a friendly email follow up to find out if you can answer any questions. From that point on, make a note to check in with the reviewer occasionally, but don’t bombard him/her with emails if you’re not getting a response.

This post is part of a month-long series based on Voxus PR’s award-winning work in security and cybersecurity public relations. To view all of this month’s posts, click here.