Compelling narratives are critical to generating cybersecurity coverage. But to make this complex topic interesting and relatable, it takes a deep understanding of how security works – from threats to response to remediation. Whether the audience is dedicated security outlets or national media, you have to hook readers with stories that hit home. At Voxus, we get that. We understand that great cybersecurity PR starts by defining real problems and offering real solutions. To get the kind of results that move the needle, however, you also need a team that brings creativity and a relentless commitment to results, backed by rock-solid processes.

That’s where we come in. At Voxus, we work with established cybersecurity leaders and visionary startups around the globe. We help them rise above the noise in the cybersecurity market, build thought leadership and increase SEO.

Here’s a sampling of some of our work:

At Voxus, our teams have decades of cybersecurity PR experience. Whether it’s helping to create go-to-market strategies and messaging, or more tactical PR activities like securing media coverage, awards, and speaking opportunities. We’ve done it all. This enables us to quickly build exceptional PR programs and campaigns. Our expertise spans across a variety of verticals, including:

  • Firewalls
  • Application security
  • Anti-malware
  • Security research
  • Secure information sharing
  • Fraud detection
  • Device identification
  • Mobile security
  • Wi-Fi security
  • Network security
  • Online privacy
  • Anti money laundering
  • IoT security
  • Threat intelligence
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Encryption key management
  • Intrusion detection and prevention
  • Active Directory security
  • SIEM and SOAR
  • Network detection and response
  • Extended detection and response
  • Encrypted traffic analysis
  • Microprocessor security

When it comes to cybersecurity PR, Voxus understands that media coverage is the foundation of any successful program. Our teams have established relationships with security influencers across press, blogs and more. We know how to work effectively with leading security, technology and business outlets to tell your story and drive awareness and results. Here’s just a snapshot of publications we’ve placed our cybersecurity clients in:

451 research logo ABI research logo arcweb logo avidthink logo bankinfo security logo betanews logo Bloomberg logo buzzfeed logo canalys logo CIO logoCSO logo current analysis logo data breach logo dark reading logo EMA logo eSecurity Planet logo eweek logo forbes logo forrester logofortune logo frost and Sullivan logo gartner logo healthcareit news logo helpnetsecurity logo IDC logo inc logo info security logoinfo tech logo infoworld logo IT Pro logo it world logo javelin cybersecurity logo networkworld logo ovum logo politico logo sans institute logo SC magazine six central logosecurity now logo securosis logo silicon angle logo source forge logo strategy analytics logo tech republic logo tech target logo the hill logo the Huffington post logo New York Times logo wsj logoZDNet logo

Voxus knows cybersecurity PR, with expertise across a variety of technology categories.

But coverage (and other traditional activities like awards, speaking, social media, etc.) is not the only value Voxus PR offers to cybersecurity companies. Our team also specializes in creating custom content for broader marketing programs. Our content services include: eBooks, whitepapers, infographics, surveys and reports, competitive messaging analysis, email campaigns, landing page and website copy, and more. There’s a reason leading cybersecurity companies continue to work with Voxus: we invest in understanding their business and deliver creative ideas that get results.

Contact Voxus PR, an Award-Winning Cybersecurity PR Firm