eBooks that drive lead gen

Following an initial funding round, Voxus was asked to create four key assets that would dive into specific hiring topics and concepts for Searchlight. The goal was to use these assets across various marketing activities, including prospect emailing, sales follow-ups, social media, and more.

Voxus was tasked with creating the assets quickly over a two-month period. After coming up with topics during an initial brainstorm, the team settled on creating two guides and two white papers. Voxus interviewed relevant subject matter experts, drafted the content, conceptualized the layout, and turned it over to an internal team member for final design. The marketing team then used the assets as the basis for various campaigns throughout the year.

Voxus has created thousands of educational assets for B2B technology companies. From eBooks to whitepapers to guides, our teams understand how to extract key information and create compelling narratives that resonate with prospects and leads. We pride ourselves on eliminating back-and-forth editing, speeding the approval process, and working to produce near-final drafts the first time, every time. To learn more and talk with someone about your particular needs, contact us today.