Drive key media and analyst coverage
Voxus and APImetrics produce report that stirs market excitement for API monitoring
Finding diamonds in the rough
Like many startups, Seattle-based APImetrics often struggled to get media and analysts to understand the significance of its API monitoring product. Even though the software filled an important niche, there were a limited number of newsworthy opportunities, particularly in the crowded startup scene. APImetrics contacted Voxus to help create ways for the company to be noticed.
Turning data into news
APImetrics had been using its software to monitor dozens of widely used public APIs for over a year, and had built up an impressive amount of data on reliability and latency. If the company could share this data with developers and IT managers, it would help them make better decisions about which cloud service to use and about the reliability of public APIs. Voxus believed the data could hook media and analyst attention as well, and worked with APImetrics to develop a report that would present useful API data in easily digestible chunks through graphics and charts.
One report, four audience
The resulting API Performance Report used historical data on public API reliability and latency to identify trends and make recommendations on the overall “health” of public APIs. The overall goal was to help developers make more informed decisions on how to use these APIs. By giving accurate, useful information on a regular basis, APImetrics could also help its current customers, attract new ones and create newsworthy opportunities by presenting interesting pieces of data to media and analysts.
These reports also gave APImetrics opportunities to strengthen its analyst program. Each time APImetrics briefed an analyst, the API Performance Report was offered as a follow up. Contributing data to these analysts’ research through the report helps keep APImetrics top-of-mind.
Counting the coverage
APImetrics worked closely with Voxus’s creative team to design a professional and stylish template for the report and consulted with Voxus on data points that would generate media interest. All data was drawn from APImetrics’ analytics software. Voxus pitched each report to relevant media and analysts, and APImetrics made the full report available to the public on its web site if a person registered for a free trial membership.
Analysts from these firms requested copies of the report for use in developing reports:
- The 451 Group
- ABI Research
- Frost & Sullivan
- Machina Research
- Forrester
- Gartner
- Vision Mobile
APImetrics offers the industry’s first and only intelligent, analytics-driven API performance solution built specifically for the enterprise. By interfacing with all current and legacy API protocols, APImetrics helps IT managers, developers and vendors know if their APIs are performing as designed. The company is headquartered in Seattle, WA.
Example of the APImetrics dashboard
Sample report page showing results on cloud services